The longterm material research project of ALVEL entered its PIE
stage after shipping first two batches of irradiated samples from Temelin NPP
to hot cells in ÚJV Řež in April 2019.
Project is focused on irradiation induced grouwth of currently
used and perspective Zr based alloys and irradiation induced creep of E110
cladding tubes under real VVER operating and water chemistry conditions.
It is implemented by ALVEL in cooperation with Škoda JS, ÚJV Řež
and CVŘ for Bochvar Institiute of Anorganic Materials in Moscow and ČEZ - Czech
utitlity company as main Customers.
It started from Conceptual design and licensing phase in 2012-2013.
The total of six Material Cluster Assemblies (MCAs) were manufactured and
delivered by TVEL and loaded into Temelín Unit 1 reactor core in 2014.
One MCA is unloaded from the reactor each year and after necessary cooling time shipped to hot cells for evaluation by experienced staff of CVŘ and ÚJV Řež using the State-of-Art facilities built in the frame of the SUSEN Project.